Minggu, 15 April 2012

Hasil penelitian kuliah pascasarjanaku


Kartikasari, Ratna Dewi. 2011. Naming of People on Interdecade in City of Madiun: Study of Semantics. Tesis. State University of Surabaya, Postgraduate Program, The Study Program of Language and Literature Education. 1st advisor is Dr. Suhartono, M.Pd., and 2nd advisor is Prof. II. Dr. Kisyani Laksono, M. Hum.

Key words: naming, the meaning of the name, name’s reference, trend of change of name, semantics.

Research under the title of Naming of People on Interdecade in City of Madiun: Study of Semantics is giving the meaning of name for residents of Bangunsari village, district of Dolopo, city of Madiun who was born in the period of the years 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. Through the intergenerational objects, researcher wants to know the trend of change of name in each period. In addition, researcher also wants to know the naming, the meaning of the name, and the name’s reference of the residents in each period.
Having a name is an honor. There are many things led to give a name. The relationship between words in a name has a connection in the meaning of name, and relationships between words in a name with an object outside of the language will construct the meaning of the name.
There are four objectives of this research which are to describe the naming, derive the meaning name, define the name’s reference, and describe the trend of change of name of interdecade people in the period of the years 1960s, 1970s, 1080's, 1990s, and 2000s in Bangunsari village, district of Dolopo, city of Madiun.
This research is a form of qualitative research because the data is available on the written sources. The source of data used in this study comes from a legal document from local government consisting the name of citizens who reside in the Bangunsari village, district of Dolopo, city of Madiun, East Java, who was born in the period of the years 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
The analysis results in the fact that the majority of given name refers to the time when the baby born, people who contributed well in the birth process, and the surname, either come from father or mother’s name, or combination on father and mother’s name. Beside that, some associate it to the date/month/year/day of birth, the order of birth whether he/she is the first, second or third child and so on, such that they were named Eko or Eka (for first child), Dwi (for second child), and Tri (for third child), and also the identity of their religious affiliations or other reasons.
Investigation on the site show that the parents in giving a name to their children, in the period of 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, has different way of it. Some of them combine between Java or Indonesia with foreign languages such as Arabic, Sanskrit, English, and so on.
The first analysis focused on the process of establishing a person’s name. Process of naming can occur with influence of many references and consideration from their parents and other family member. The second focus emphasized on the analysis of names based on the result of interview, then compare the meaning of the names obtained from either a dictionary or books. The meaning of these names is associated to the theory of meaning, acronym, and relationships of meaning in Semantics. The third focus, based on the interview, analyzed the reference from which parents or other family members give a name to their children or relatives. The reference in naming process of Bangunsari village residents, district of Dolopo, city of Madiun reflects to their day and date of birth, month of birth, year of birth, puppet figures, religion, and so on.
The results of the last analysis focused on the trends of change of name, which describes that in each period of years, names have its specific characteristics. In the period of 1960s, the name of the people consists of only one-word names, such as Rasi and Sunardi. While in the period of 1970s, the people have two-word names, for example Gatot Widodo. In the period of 1980s, some of them have a name consisting of two or three-word names with better combination and more varying, e.g. Ria Widyaningsih or Leli Dwi Astuti. But in the period of 1990s, people start to have a long name either two or three or four-words names, such as Nanda Dora Satria Nugraha and Mado Widya Pratama. In this period a name has more reference than those in the previous periods. In the period of 2000s, there are many names which are reflecting to Arabic language, such as Atikah Zahra Ratifa, and so on.

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